Mien2 Progress : )

Been neglecting my blog - had been long thinking of putting down some memory for Mien2...

It's been 8 months now - my little angel had grown so fast..
Learning to sit (like a humpty-dumpty) n crawl (in reverse action) in 6 months..
Having his first teething - in 7 months...that's when I felt sharp pain on my finger as he likes to chew my finger : )
N now at 8 months 3 days - he's trying to crawl frontwards... n would shove his head if he wouldn't want to be fed...naughty naughty little angel..

How amazed that little angel are able to response and act upon our action without been taught...
Hi..my angel..let's see what you could do in a week time : )

Here I promise you that I'll make the best of our life together.. and I love you, little mien-mien


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